Interpretative hiking.

La Cienaga de Zapata has many trails but especially El enigma de las rocas, describe it as an area of outstanding beauty and little known, thanks to has been marketed poorly compared to other trails Nature tourism that develops in the wetland.
We enter the forest on a bumpy road that force us to climb while hearing the songs of the birds, identifying the tocororo and later to the ever restless chillina, thrush, the cartacuba or bijirita.
The thick vegetation opens giving way to sudden vacuum of Cenote Lovers’ Bridge. The water below causes cravings jump and take a dip. The numerous cenotes in the area are related to a tectonic fault whose origin is in Pálpite and will die in Cienfuegos. It is flooded caves where the roof collapsed. Its waters, with only 4 % salinity, are home to jicoteas, shrimp and guajacones.
In Laguna Clara the transparency of the liquid causes the unreal feeling of infinite depth, be unable discern where in reality begins the solid rock walls and where her reflection.
This kind of natural pool, 50 meters long, 6 meters wide and 28 to the far background , is a favorite among visitors to refresh travel site .

How to book?: Select …
- The dates you want to make your hiking
- The number of people who are going to do the tour
- The conditions or extras you desire include: Do you wish a personal guide?, want transportation?
…and you have your hiking booked, so easy!
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If you are neither a biologist or expert in photography and want to enjoy the incredible nature of the Cienaga de Zapata, you can enjoy our interpretive trails.
You’ll be in good hands and good company!
If you have scientific interest or are a photography lover , you can experience the photographic hiking and observing the secrets of wetlands and suit your expectations.
Unique and unforgettable experience!
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