Houses in La Ciénaga de Zapata

We have three different areas close to the natural park and to all of our activities: Playa Larga, Playa Girón and Boca Guamá

We have two accommodation offer: one is what we call state´s accommodation (administrated by the government) and the other one is accommodation or houses administrated by owners .

We have classified our houses in two groups:

 Houses with charm

Enjoy your stay in our most famous houses, allow yourself to spend some days in the most traditional and original Cuba.

These are recognized by not only by their design and location but by their hospitality, its awesome and unique gastronomy and by the way you can live in peace with nature.

Booking now!

Private houses 

To stay in a private house in Cuba is not only the most economic option but the way to live as a local, letting yourself to be part of the culture, traditions, to get to know people from Cuba, eat their typical food and share part of their history.

In these houses you can enjoy of a great service and treat. Here is very important to have a good and polite relationship between visitors and owners but always respecting your intimacy.

Booking now!

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What more could you want?

La Ciénaga de Zapata has interest as holiday destination, in first term, for the lovers of the nature tourism: observation of birds, hiking, ecotourism; but there is also space for the lovers of the diving, of the adventure tourism, of the sport fishing and of the enjoyment of beaches, and even for the interested ones in the recent history of the island.

Reservation center

Calle Velazquez, 53
28001 – Madrid – España
+34 666 979 375

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