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Planet’s most stunning place to enjoy your unforgettable holidays!
La Cienaga de Zapata is a mix between rural place and wild beaches, being this aspect what makes the place so special. You can also enjoy of its beautiful and unique mangrove swamps, one of the most important attractions of this spectacular location.
The climate and weather of this place makes it possible for our visitors to enjoy of multiple birds that come from different parts of the world and want to make La Cienaga de Zapata their new home for the season.
This area is considered by UNESCO one of the six places of the Biospehere Reserve in the world and Ramsar in Cuba. It is also the biggest wetland in the Insular Caribbean.
You can also see many endemic species in these marshes like the Rhombifer Cuban crocodrile, one of the most archaic crocodriles of the planet as well as many other species in danger of extinction and much valued as the Manatí and Manjuarí.
To vacay in this place it´s not just a guarantee of relaxing and rest, it is a destination where you can connect with nature and to get more knowledge about our environment each day you spend here..
What more could you want?
La Ciénaga de Zapata has interest as holiday destination, in first term, for the lovers of the nature tourism: observation of birds, hiking, ecotourism; but there is also space for the lovers of the diving, of the adventure tourism, of the sport fishing and of the enjoyment of beaches, and even for the interested ones in the recent history of the island.
Reservation center
Calle Velazquez, 53
28001 – Madrid – España
+34 666 979 375
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Like the adventure, you’re a nature lover, you want to know something unique and incomparable?
Whether this is your first visit, as if you’ve been, you get the best choice to practice the activities and know the places you want.
Want to know our best options for visiting the Cienaga de Zapata ?
If any promotion or offer suits your travel planning, we can adjust or combine it with your plan.
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